Right now we have the best opportunity we've had in years to pass a great pro-vaccine bill. Colorado's legislators are considering SB 163, which would finally improve our dangerously lax school-entry vaccine rules. Your elected officials need to vote YES so that Colorado can increase our last-in-the-nation vaccination rates.
By clicking the "30-Second Action Alert!" button below you can quickly contact our Governor and State Legislators to tell them that you are part of the pro-vaccine majority that wants to see common-sense policy like SB 163. The anti-vaccine activists are making as much noise as they can, so pro-vaccine parents/citizens MUST speak up now. Thank you!
We will be most successful if we all work together. Thank you for joining with other pro-science, pro-health, pro-community parents to speak up for our kids.
Please share this Action Alert and encourage your friends to participate. We can't allow the small minority of parents who oppose vaccination to be the ones speaking the loudest to our elected representatives.